Centre for Universalism

Young South African entrepreneurs often start their creative journey with high aspirations and world-changing intentions, and then sometimes get caught up in operational issues like effectively managing cash flow, qualifying for grants without a fiscal track record, or simply dealing with reporting and balancing the books.

The Center for Universalism’s fiscal sponsorship services are designed to help manage such barriers to success so young South African entrepreneurs can stay focused on their goals, while fiscal sponsorship services keep the dream moving forward. Our administrative and operational strength into each sponsored project’s is inspired by our core universal humanistic philosophy of building better together.

By bringing together digital resources and data insights we’re able to foster cross-sector relationships and collaboration, creating a more equitable, comprehensive approaches to opportunities and challenges young entrepreneurs.

Fiscal Sponsorship Portfolio

Community Capacity Building

Our sponsored projects include administrative and/or financial services support.

Cultural Pilgrimages

Reclaiming our shared identities and curating our own narratives via digital storytelling.

Online Marketplace

South African Artisans, Musicians and Creatives

Want to collaborate?

The Centre for Universalism is always open to collaborating with local municipalities, non-profits, small businesses, startups, and socially responsible investors. Our mission is to connect digital resources and data insights to young South African entrepreneurs in order to empower their right to self-determination, employment opportunities, and crowd funding via are online international marketplace.